built for Dental Providers

Adonis Intelligence improves the quality, timeliness and relevance of data insights across your dental service organization (DSO). Real-time, actionable alerts not only detect issues, but provide insight into the root causes, equipping you with the information needed for quick and effective resolution. Intelligence enables you to understand performance across the entire DSO and drill down into individual studios.

Identify Revenue Roadblocks
Maximize Opportunities

Denial & A/R Management

Get alerted immediately if claims are getting denied due to a lack of detail, coding error, or a change in payer rule.

Adonis Intelligence leverages intelligent alerting and monitoring to notify your team of pressing claim denials and trends. Simultaneously, machine learning identifies the root-cause issue of the denial and flags any other claims that might be impacted by that same issue. 

Eligibility & Benefits Verification

Ensure patients are eligible for services ahead of time to experience accurate and efficient revenue outcomes.

Adonis' Eligibility & Benefits Verification solution verifies the patient's insurance coverage, identifies any copayments or deductibles, and ensures that the services being provided are covered under the patient's plan. Adonis supports eligibility for over 3,000 insurance payers, and is constantly adding to that list.

Centralize Data & A/R Workflows

Gain visibility into both organization-wide and practice-specific performance through centralized data and reporting across all of your locations.

Whether you’re tracking performance across company-wide KPIs or drilling down into different practices’ analytics, Intelligence’s consolidated dashboards and real-time reports removes manual data-pulling, spreadsheets, and disjointed communications from your workflow. 

Identify Revenue Roadblocks
Maximize Opportunities

Enhance revenue outcomes through the incorporation of revenue intelligence into the Adonis Revenue Cycle Management solution, ensuring optimal results.

Claims Status & Smart Worklists

Act quickly on claims that require next steps. Adonis Intelligence statuses claims and categorizes them into Smart Worklists based on the action required.

For example, if the claim requires x-rays or anesthesia hours, it will be sorted into unique worklists that identify the claim status and necessary next steps, and are then assigned to the appropriate members of your team. This improves prioritization and increases overall team efficiency.

The Heroes of Their
Revenue Story

In 2023, we averaged an office opening every two weeks. With that, it’s a lot of quick ramp up. It’s been really good to have a suite of things that we can just plug and play, on both the RCM side and the clinical side. Being able to plug specific systems in as we scale is super important. There’s a lot of opportunity in RCM, we know we have work to do on the RCM side, and that’s part of the reason why we’re doing what we’re doing with Adonis.
Sean Thompson,
Chief Revenue Officer, DECA Dental Group
Ready to reach your
revenue potential?
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