Built for Dermatology

Adonis Intelligence mitigates denials, detects and resolves underpayments, identifies root cause issues, and responds to payer policy changes so that you can focus on enabling best in class dermatology care.

Identify Revenue Roadblocks
Maximize Opportunities

Denial & A/R Management

Highly-specific and actionable alerts proactively identify patterns in denials, predict which claims are likely to be denied, and suggest corrective actions.

Complex Billing Made Easy

We know in dermatology that multi-step procedures require careful documentation and coding. Adonis helps your team ensure that claims are submitted accurately and efficiently the first time to prevent revenue loss.

Effectively Manage Many Payers and Services

Managing many payers and offering a large mix of services - ranging from surgery to cosmetic procedures - complicates billing. Intelligence detects any changes to payer-specific rules that may impact reimbursement for specific procedures and services provided.

Enhance revenue outcomes through the incorporation of revenue intelligence into the Adonis Revenue Cycle Management solution, ensuring optimal results.

Never Miss Another
Prior Authorization

Intelligence predicts and alerts you to upcoming patient services that require prior authorization - maximizing reimbursements and prevent downstream denials.

The Heroes of Their
Revenue Story

Moreover, they demonstrated a significant level of speciality-specific expertise that was forged by their experience with other large dermatology groups. We’re thrilled to be partnered with Adonis who, unlike other solution providers, is willing to meet us where we are on our RCM journey and scale to a holistic platform approach over time.
Ready to reach your
revenue potential?
Request a Demo
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